In our last blog post, we spoke of the need to bring the trades back and what the current state of the situation was in the infrastructure system of the United States. (You can read it here: The Current State of the Trades).
We ended the blog by asking the question, how is Red Dog’s Roofing ready to face the challenge head on?
It’s an important question. One we haven’t shied away from.
Obviously, as a business that is considered one of the trades (roofing and exterior remodeling), our concern is a genuine one for continued success of the business and employees in the future. Our purpose goes beyond the business, though. Our motivation comes from a deep seated belief that we firmly believe in, that we can help guide the next generation.
They’re the COVID generation. The group of kids who have lacked stability in their lives. They’ve been brought up in an age where nothing is concrete and they have little to hang their hats upon.
Their interactions are generally electronic, Social Media has become their world, and fear has been instilled in their lives. No wonder there’s a current epidemic of mental health issues with adolescents today.
To put it plainly, some of the next generation is lost.
The good news is, there are solutions.
Here are a few of the initiatives we’re working on in conjunction with other businesses, NRCA (National Roofing Contractors Association), local public, and technical schools. We’re also in contact with homeschooled and alternative education students:
Changing Perceptions
There’s still an underlying thought about the trades that brings a stigma of lower pay, or less than prestigious job titles that may deter students or even parents from encouraging the next generations.
Realistically, people who work in the trades can make much more than people who may have attended a higher education, and all without the debt incurred from attending college.
We’re reaching out to kids and parents where they are, by building relationships with the schools, attending career days, and reaching out on social media.
Educational Outreach
By reaching out to kids through the school systems, we can change the perception of what the trades are really all about. We can guide kids to help them make better, more appropriate choices about their lives and future careers by providing them clear choices, resources, and information.
Improving Work Conditions
As the current generation of tradespeople start to age out, there is a need to help provide a safer, more inclusive work environment. Traditionally, tradespeople have a connotation of being a little rough around the edges, and perhaps some of that connotation was true. Moving forward, we recognize the need for employees to contribute ideas, feel valued, and for us to provide them more than just a good paycheck in order to live a more fulfilled life.
Career Direction and Advancement Opportunities
The trades haven’t always done a great job at providing a brighter future for employees. Traditionally you worked 40 years, then collected a pension, often burned out and physically unable to do the job any longer.
We’re creating an initiative for employees to move up the ranks within the industry to more prominent, and fulfilling positions, if that’s what they choose. Many people don’t realize that besides roofers (people who physically put on the roof), a roofing company also employs estimators, project managers, salespeople, call center associates, marketing members, accountants, and human resources. And that doesn’t even include General Managers, IT experts, Specialized Construction people, estimators, and Office associates.
Mentoring/Life Skills
We’re taking an initiative to guide the future workforce in more than just roofing and the trades. We want to help guide students and employees to become more confident, skilled humans as well. So many “normal” skills seem to be vanishing from society today. Financial planning, conflict resolution, time management, and communication are several examples of hundreds that are lacking.
Through these initiatives, we hope to reach the correct demographic and positively change the lives of as many people as possible. The initiative isn’t easy, nor is it a quick fix, but it’s a start.
It’s a direction that will positively impact students, and in turn communities.
Although the challenge can seem overwhelming, we’re excited and confident about the future of the next generation and hope for the trades.
In the last part of the series, we’ll speak about the future. Where can we expect to be down the line? Where will these initiatives eventually lead us, and how will the changes positively affect our communities and society in general.
Keep your eyes open for the next part, released weekly on the blog portion of our webpage at: https://www.reddogsroofing.com/blog/
We’d love your feedback. If this blog struck a chord with you, let us know. Send us a line at info@reddogsroofing.com.
Red Dog’s Roofing is a local, community focused roofing company based out of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, who have provided exterior remodeling solutions for more than 12 years. Their newest initiative is supplying guidance to the next generation of tradespeople by offering resources, encouragement, and solutions to make them more empowered choices in their careers and in their lives.
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